Enterprise Service and Process Excellence: What It Is and How to Get It

Enterprise Service and Process Excellence: What It Is and How to Get It

Enterprise Service and Process Excellence, the “Alphabet Soup for the Soul of the Enterprise:”

“ITSM + GRC = ESPE,” where:

“ITSM” = “IT service management;”

“GRC” = “governance, risk, and compliance;” and

“ESPE” = “enterprise service and process excellence.”

That last FLA (“four-letter acronym,” of course!) may be new to you, but its underlying concepts should not be. They are, in fact, the ultimate goal of every enterprise, regardless of its size or primary activities. Why? Because every enterprise is defined by its most critical services and the processes that enable and underlie them.

This means that to survive, let alone to thrive competitively, every enterprise must be focused on delivery and management of consistently excellent IT and business services, to its customers, partners, and internal and external users. Success in these efforts, in turn, absolutely requires proven, effective processes, consistently applied and executed across the enterprise.

And since every critical enterprise service and process relies upon IT, another critical success factor is integrated, automated, and optimized ITSM. Such ITSM is also critical to success with GRC, within and beyond IT. (If you aren’t yet convinced about the value of and need for effective GRC, please read or re-read my earlier post, “”)

To deliver consistently excellent services, your enterprise needs consistently excellent processes. And to deliver consistently excellent processes, your enterprise needs consistently excellent, well-integrated ITSM and GRC oversight.


Enterprise Service and Process Excellence: Of Roadmaps and Beer

So what does your enterprise need to achieve these worthy, essential goals?

The same thing every navigator needs to reach a desired destination safely: a roadmap. In this context, that roadmap is a plan with specific goals and destinations, specific routes to success, and even specific “off ramps” and alternate routes in case of the equivalents of speed bumps, traffic jams, and major accidents. Every enterprise simply must create, then successfully navigate a roadmap to ESPE, via integrated, automated, and optimized ITSM and GRC oversight.

And what do you need to craft such a roadmap and the ability to navigate it successfully? Heck, that’s as easy as beer. After all, beer only has four ingredients – water, grains, hops, and yeast. And like beer, success with your ESPE roadmap only requires four ingredients.

  1. Clear, specific business goals and priorities.
  2. Consistent, sustained executive buy-in and support of ESPE efforts.
  3. The political will and leadership needed to assess incumbent processes, policies, people, and solutions accurately and fairly, and to change or remove those not sufficiently aligned with goals and priorities.
  4. Proven, experienced help. Unless your enterprise specializes in ITSM, GRC, and/or business process transformation, you can’t and shouldn’t do this alone. (We at Intréis do specialize in ITSM and GRC integrations and process transformation, so that assertion is based on extensive experience.)

A simple list of requirements – with as many possible variations as there are types and qualities of beer. So select, combine, and start “brewing” your roadmap elements carefully, and soon. Your enterprise can’t – and shouldn’t – wait.


Read: “Simplify Internal Controls for GRC Success


About the author

“Life is too short to waste time being bored!” - michael dortch

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Michael Dortch

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