
Contract Negotiation Checklist – Don’t forget Your Pre-Nup

Saying “I Do” to a vendor? Not without a pre-nup! Throughout my career, I have negotiated hundreds of IT service contracts; many of which were for Cloud and SaaS services. I’ve also born witness to all the things that can go wrong when businesses fail to engage in the contract negotiation process. You may be…

Using Cloud Communications to Assist with Corporate Data Certification

As your business moves into the cloud for storage of critical data, the need for continual or scheduled data validation should be on your mind. A multitude of platforms have joined the SaaS revolution, and those interconnecting services will rely on each other for data integrity. Never more in my career have I used the…

Good Cloud Gone Bad

There has been a flood of articles lately about the darker aspects of Cloud technology. Companies and government agencies alike are having massive revelations about the short comings of Cloud technology. Revelations such as: In some cases Cloud services can actually cost more than maintaining your own physical servers (See: Why Some Startups Say the…

The Unbearable Lightness

I am a big fan of simplicity and have written in posts such as Agility by Design and Less is More that simple design is the path to business freedom and agility. I am a minimalist and that is why the Lotus Elise appeals to me. It’s also why I think Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman,…

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