
WindowsXP Sunset – A Compliance Nightmare?

If you have WindowsXP systems and you also accept credit cards, you won’t be for much longer. The operating system that was once installed on more than 800 million computers is rapidly approaching its expiration date. Microsoft’s product support for WindowsXP finally ends April 8th, 2014 – FOREVER. It’s been estimated that WindowsXP currently resides on nearly 1 out of…

The Four Seasons of Data Management – ‘Winter’ Removal

Welcome to the final blog of the Four Seasons of Data Management Series. Through ‘Spring’ inception, ‘Summer’ primetime, and ‘Fall’ retirement periods, we reach the last leg of this journey: ‘Winter’ Removal. In this blog, we will concentrate on the stage when information/data has reached the end of its life and must be permanently removed, disposed of, and destroyed….

5 Steps to PCI Compliance

I have been in IT long enough to remember punch cards and reel-to-reel tapes and I am sure I can find some still in my basement. While I have seen the remarkable advancement of technology and the consumerization of IT rapidly change the way we work, play and do business, I believe our management of…

Info-Sec Guidelines for Small Businesses

I was inspired by something my colleague and small business owner said last week. He said, “We must implement encryption and other info-sec controls…it is the reality of the world we live in.” There are 27 million small businesses in the U.S. and they account for half of US sales revenue and new job creation…

The Four Seasons of Data Management – ‘Spring’ Inception

One thing I love about living in Midwest is the change of season. It wasn’t long ago that I admired the sumptuous green on my neighbors’ yards (yeah…it always looks better elsewhere, right?). And now, the vibrant autumn leaves steal the show. It makes the world seem so colorful! Every season is unique in its…

Data Access vs Data Security: Is it Possible to Have Both?

As soon as I get the call, I walk quickly into the ER post-op room…I have been in the waiting room for 3 hours and am anxious to hear the results. The surgeon greets me, pulls out his iPad, and shows me the CT images of my husband’s wrist, pointing to where they rebuilt his…

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