
WindowsXP Sunset – A Compliance Nightmare?

If you have WindowsXP systems and you also accept credit cards, you won’t be for much longer. The operating system that was once installed on more than 800 million computers is rapidly approaching its expiration date. Microsoft’s product support for WindowsXP finally ends April 8th, 2014 – FOREVER. It’s been estimated that WindowsXP currently resides on nearly 1 out of…

“We don’t store sensitive data”

Intreis Myth Busters are back to refute the myth “We don’t store sensitive data”! There are countless approaches for determining whether or not you store sensitive data. Ask 100 experts, and you’ll likely get 100 different recommendations on assessing whether you store sensitive data. Here is the simple approach I like to take: Step 1:…

IT GRC to Enterprise GRC – 10 tips toward a Holistic Approach

Have you ever worked for a company suffering from GRC decision fatigue? Every year panic sets in prior to audit season, yet folks struggle to make the shift from re-active to pro-active. Being reactive is painful and costly, while being proactive offers efficiency, resource optimization, and cost savings. The IT department strives for this, but…

What is the UCF and why are we integrating it with ServiceNow?

Before we talk about the UCF, let’s take a look at four common trends we’re uncovering in the field: #1. Simplification and rationalization of controls environment As organization’s regulatory environments continue to grow and become more complex, leadership is becoming more and more concerned with implementing a controls framework that simplifies their controls environment while…

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