ServiceNow Healthcheck & Roadmap.


As ServiceNow evolves as a platform and customers begin expanding their use of the technology for Service Management both inside and outside of IT, many companies find themselves needing to re-evaluate existing functionality and architectural decisions as well as looking for ways to grow and scale their platform into all areas of the enterprise.  A solid platform governance strategy is critical to expanding ServiceNow through the enterprise.  The ServiceNow Health Check and Roadmap is great way to examine what you already have, benchmark you against similar customers and create a clear path forward to get the most potential out of your existing investment.



Intreis provides a 3-day ServiceNow Healthcheck and Roadmap offering to evaluate your current ServiceNow implementation from both a process and technology perspective.  Following the 3-day session, Intreis provides a detailed assessment of findings including both short term tactical improvements as well as long term strategy.  In addition to current state findings and recommendations, Intreis produces a 2-3 year roadmap based on your short- and long-term pain points and objectives.


Key Benefits

  • Benchmark your implementation against similar customers in similar industries
  • Identify a 2-3 year roadmap including both short term tactical improvements and bug fixes as well as long term strategic objectives
  • Develop budgetary estimates to facilitate strategic planning

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